Reliable Bail Bondsmen Available 24/7
At Faith Bail Bonding, your first thought should be to call us to get your loved one out of jail, not concern about the ability to afford a bail bond. In addition to securing release with surety bonds,
we offer affordable payments and a compassionate shoulder to lean on during this trying time.
Available 24/7
We offer personalized services and go above and beyond for our clients. If you need a shoulder to lean on, a sympathetic ear, or a ride to your court date, we'll be there. You'll either be dealing with Dametrious Reeves or Latisha Byers during the process, so we won't be strangers when you need us.
Second Chances
Once you agree to the bond terms, we place the bond and get your loved one out of jail. This typically happens on the same day that the bond is paid; however, it can vary depending on the location of the facility.
Gaston & Surrounding Counties
Available 24/7
When a defendant is arrested and goes to jail in the Gaston County or surrounding counties in North Carolina, area, you can contact us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to get them out.

Pay Your First Service In Full
& Receive a Special Discount
(Discounts Vary On Size of Bond)

About Faith Bail Bonding
The bail bondsmen of Faith Bail Bonds can help secure an inmate release in Gastonia, North Carolina, and the surrounding areas — including the Gaston, Cleveland, Lincoln, and Mecklenburg counties. With an emphasis on offering compassionate services, we will do all we can to keep your down payment affordable.
Life is built on having second chances, and we understand that mistakes can happen along the way. We try to make a difference in people's lives in the hopes they're able to forge a new path in life. Over the years, we've had previous clients thank us for the words of encouragement we provided to them during their time of need.
After being laid off from a role as a domestic violence advocate, our founder had the opportunity to help people in another way by becoming a licensed bonding agent. She believes everyone deserves an excellent customer service experience, no matter who they are. After working with a bail bonds company she stepped away, had a little "faith," and founded Faith Bail Bonds.